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Who are the 3 mysterious fanatics in white in the Rings of Power?

Three very strange characters, which we had already seen in a trailer, have finally made their debut in the series The Rings of Power. Theories circulate, in connection with the Stranger fallen from the sky.

This is a question that has arisen since the promotional period of the series The Rings of Power, when a trailer was released in mid-summer: Could the mysterious dark-eyed character be Sauron in disguise? Two months later, this hypothesis is increasingly challenged. It would rather be a member of an obscure cult. But which one?

Before going any further, know that we will discuss elements of the plot, which have arisen over the first five episodes. If you don’t want to be surprised, come back later when you’re up to date. If you don’t mind spoilers, you can proceed. And if you don’t watch the show at all… what the hell are you doing here?

This article about The Rings of Power contains spoilers. // Source: Numerama editing / One Ring by icons8

Who are the three characters in white in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power?

As early as July, we knew of the existence of this small group, made up of three individuals. Their identity remains a mystery today, but we know their names. Or rather, their “profile”. They are currently identified as the nomad, the resident and the ascetic (the nomad, the dweller, the ascetic). These are the functions that appear in the end credits of the episode.

We should rather speak of the nomad, the resident and the ascetic, in the feminine, since these three characters are played by three actresses: Edith Poor, Bridie Sisson and Kali Kopae. Note that the credits provide information on the identity of the person playing this “dweller” character, perhaps the most important of the three.

The nomad, the dweller, the ascetic. Who are they ? What are their networks?

What we also know, thanks to episode 5 (the first in which these three appear), is their interest in a strange constellation. We see that one of the three individuals carries a kind of simplified map of the sky, engraved on a kind of metal plate. It is this same constellation that obscures “the Stranger”, a being fallen from the sky and who looks like a human.

They lean over where the Stranger landed. Source: Amazon Prime Video

If they are interested in this constellation, the motivations of the three devotees – because they seem frankly linked to a cult, given their attire – are not explained. Are they after the Stranger? Are they looking for a place in Middle-earth (Mordor?)? Do they wait for an event to occur on a certain date? Something else ?

Their pale faces, their emaciated features, their silence, the low-angle camera, the oppressive musical theme, their sectarian appearance, their frowning eyes, their abnormal pupils… all this suggests that we are dealing with a hostile group. Group that also seems to have mastered magic, given the gesture of the “dweller” above a footprint and its ability to “teleport”.

The leader of the group? The stick hinted at an eye of Sauron symbol, but that’s impossible. // Source: Amazon Prime Video

The most obvious hypothesis would be to link this group to some cult around Sauron or his master, Morgoth. Some believed to detect “the eye of Sauron” on the stick of the character embodied by Bridie Sisson. However, this is impossible: this eye only appears from the Third Age and the series takes place in the Second.

On Reddit, enthusiasts have zoomed in and tried to interpret the charms worn by the characters, but without coming up with a particular hypothesis. About the nomad, who looks like a warrior, and the equipment that goes with it, there was the idea of ​​associating her with the charioteers (“the wainriders”), a people from the East of the world and manipulated by Sauron. Not believable.

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It is known that Sauron is already at work in Middle-earth to carry out his plan. It would make sense for him to have servants: after all, there are already orcs roaming the continent and humans already falling under his dark influence. Not to mention Adar. These three could also be high-ranking members of Sauron’s allies.

A connection to the Moon?

But, maybe all this has nothing to do with the dark lord. Another theory explored by Internet users is that of a religious group possibly linked to the Moon. This Stranger the three are looking for could be… Tilion, some sort of lesser deity (a Maia, a rank to which Gandalf, Saruman, Sauron or even Radagast belong).

The fact that the Stranger falls from the sky like a meteor, his obsession with a certain arrangement of stars, the scene in which he stands under a full moon. The Moon, called Isil in Middle-earth, is believed to be guided by Tilion in its celestial course. We also know, recalls the specialized site Tolkiendil, that Tilion had to face the servants of Morgoth.

Isn’t it a crescent moon, symbolized on the plate carried by the character on the right? // Source: Amazon Prime Video

He was attacked by servants of Morgoth, and the ensuing fight troubled the realm of the stars for a time, but Tilion eventually emerged victorious and was never bothered again. “, is it explained. This track is very promising if we compare it to the celestial provenance of the Stranger and the insistence with which the series focuses on this constellation.

To this, let’s add that the devotees appear just after the scene of the Moon and that the metal plate held by one of the three resembles, on one side, a crescent moon (and on the other side, said constellation) . And on the warrior-looking woman’s neck guard, wouldn’t that be a simplified representation of the Solar System? What else do all these aligned circles mean?

Strange circles on the character’s equipment. Circles to represent the spheres, ie the Solar System? // Source: Amazon Prime Video

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Tags: mysterious fanatics white Rings Power