Who is Rima Al-Anzi, similar to Georgina in pictures?

Who is Rima Al-Enezi, similar to Georgina in pictures? Social media caught fire with pictures of the young woman, Rima Al-Enezi, similar to Georgina, Ronaldo’s friend. Who is Rima Al-Enezi, similar to Georgina? Ronaldo Georgina, and since then she has become Rima. We are talking about virtual sites. Who is similar to Rima Georgina? This is what Este will answer, in addition to information about her personal life and her story in detail.

Who is Rima Al-Anzi, similar to Georgina in pictures?

Rima Al-Enezi is an activist and actress on social media who holds Saudi nationality. She was born in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is likely to be in her third decade of life. Rima is considered one of the most famous personalities on virtual sites, especially Tik Tok, as she is followed by thousands of fans, and she also displays makeup-related content. and impersonating many celebrities or their personalities, in addition to sharing their videos, which were liked by many activists.

Biography of Rima Al-Enezi

The most important information about Rima Al-Enezi is as follows

  • Her full name is Rima Al-Enezi.
  • The English name is Rima Al-Andi.
  • Place of birth I was born in Saudi Arabia.
  • Residence Lives in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh.
  • Nationality, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi nationality.
  • Arab race.
  • Religion profess the Islamic religion.
  • Education is unknown.
  • The mother tongue is Arabic, the “Saudi dialect.”
  • Profession Actress and activist on social networking sites.
  • Military status single.

The real story of Rima Al-Enezi

The story of activist Rima Al-Enezi began after she shared a video clip on her TikTok account, in which Ronaldo imitates Georgina while speaking in Arabic at the club’s celebration to welcome the player, and the video won the admiration of everyone, by many followers, and Rima said in a video clip she posted in the past hours that people compared her Georgina before the player moved, and that was not a trend at the time, but after moving to Al-Nasr Club, her name became the talk of Saudi Arabia, and she continued to say that she received many photo shows similar to Georgina and that this matter hurts her a lot as an actress who appears every day in a new mold.

The article is in Arabic

Tags: Rima AlAnzi similar Georgina pictures