Part 19: How is Renate Goossensen who emigrated to France?

Part 19: How is Renate Goossensen who emigrated to France?
Part 19: How is Renate Goossensen who emigrated to France?

That Renate Goossensen emigrated from Ermelo to France together with Bart and children Jaya and Tara and the dogs, was a complete surprise to many people. However, she likes to keep us informed about the ins and outs of the new start! Today part 19. Click HERE for previous episodes.

Start over
Starting over is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. You can always start over. Who are we to judge that? Judging what someone else is doing, wants to achieve or how he or she is going to achieve her goals in a different way. So many people have come and gone my way. Friends, relationships, partners, people who meant a lot to me at that time. They came into my life for a reason, they stood by me in good times, left in difficult times and I got to know other people to support me in this.

Many come and many go, through death, by running away, by being lost in the friendship we had or by choosing to let go because that person also goes their own way. All these encounters are grateful to me! And even though there were encounters of joy and satisfaction, there were also situations of sadness, mourning and disappointment. I too have disappointed people in my encounter with them. But I’m sure these encounters were there for a reason to move on.

Starting over in your life to me means being willing to let go of what isn’t working. I’m not saying this is easy, but it is easier than walking around frustrated because something isn’t working the way you planned it to. We emigrated to the south of France over a year and a half ago to start over. Unfortunately, we have not been able to settle here and we are busy starting again. I don’t see it as a failure, but it does feel like a big disappointment! By taking the step again to start over, I feel incredibly empowered that we have made this decision. Together as a family! I saw a nice text this week; ‘If you don’t change direction you end up at the beginning’.

life lessons
And that’s exactly how it feels to me. I can keep thinking in circles until it makes me dizzy, but that’s of no use to me. I stagger around a bit and it makes me very restless. By taking my and our feelings seriously, we can continue from here. Now that I live here in France I am aware that I have many life lessons to learn. I encounter plenty of challenges and bumps here. If it doesn’t go left, it goes right. I remember very well, in my younger years I said to my father; “I’ll see where the ship strands.” My father reacted to this: “Renate the starting point is that your ship always keeps sailing.” And even though it sometimes feels that something is stranded, I discuss with Bart how I should change course, so that my ship has the right wind in the sails again.

Red cheeks
So is Bart, he is not sailing, but at the moment he is walking his legs out from under his ass. From the roof to the shed every time, he walks about 7 kilometers a day between work. His jeans widen and I can look at an increasingly muscular body. You don’t hear me complaining! This way I can continue dreaming about my novel that I am writing. Sometimes I even get red cheeks about the lyrics I write.

On TV!
Something different than the blogs I write to you. Speaking of red cheeks, how funny to see yourself on TV, we have already been able to watch the broadcast of the Roer Om! With half pinched buttocks we sat on the couch, with my hands spread in front of my eyes I got through the 45 minutes! It’s really weird to see yourself on TV. It moved me too. When I look at us like this I think we are a sweet family if I do say so myself