Who is the journalist Mofeed Fawzi Wikipedia

Who is the journalist Mofeed Fawzi Wikipedia
Who is the journalist Mofeed Fawzi Wikipedia

Who is the journalist Mufid Fawzi and Wikipedia? Many questions revolve around who is Mufid Fawzi, the Egyptian journalist, and this is after the news of his death spread this morning, whose death was announced by official sources on Sunday morning, as Mufid is considered one of the most famous media personalities in the Arab world, and he presented throughout his career. The media has many programmes, especially talk shows with many well-known politicians and artists from the Arab world, so who is journalist Moufid Fawzi will respond to that in addition to information about his personal and professional life.

Who is the journalist Mofeed Fawzi Wikipedia

Mufid Fawzy is an Egyptian news anchor, program presenter and journalist. He was born in Beni Suef Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt in 1933 AD. Mufid is considered one of the most famous media personalities in the Arab world. He joined the Faculty of Arts, majoring in English, from Cairo University. After graduation, he decided to enter the field of journalism, where he began his life. Professionalism in the Egyptian press, after which he decided to switch to television, and he conducted several television interviews with a number of politicians, celebrities and writers, and his first television interview was with the writer Naguib Mahfouz.

Biography Mufid Fawzy

The most important information about journalist Moufid Fawzy is as follows

  • His full name is Mofeed Fawzi Saad.
  • The pseudonym is Mofeed Fawzy.
  • Date of birth June 19, 1933 AD
  • Place of birth, Beni Suef Governorate / Arab Republic of Egypt.
  • Egyptian nationality.
  • Christianity.
  • The age at which he died is 89 years old.
  • Qualifications: Holds a Bachelor of Arts major in English.
  • Alma mater, Cairo University.
  • Marital status is widowed.
  • Children One daughter, Hanan Fawzy.
  • Profession: Journalist and talk show host.
  • Genre hip hop.
  • His career is from 1957 AD to 2022 AD
  • Arabic and English languages.

The cause of death of the Egyptian journalist Moufid Fawzy

Journalist Moufid Fawzi passed away after a long struggle with illness, as official sources confirmed that the journalist had a sudden health problem, which forced his family to transfer him to the hospital to undergo surgery on the biliary tract, according to his health condition, his condition improved, and the doctors decided to leave the hospital, and after several Days, his condition worsened again by the health authorities, so that his death would be announced on Sunday morning, November 4, 2022 AD.

The article is in Arabic

Tags: journalist Mofeed Fawzi Wikipedia