An Iraqi researcher in the movement of planets expects two more earthquakes..Who is he?

An Iraqi researcher in the movement of planets expects two more earthquakes..Who is he?
An Iraqi researcher in the movement of planets expects two more earthquakes..Who is he?

Tue 02/21/2023

Cities – Media

Saleh Mohammed Al-Awad

Since the first earthquake occurred 15 days ago, the Dutch scientist Frank Hogrebits has come to light, given that his predictions of earthquakes have hit, and people have differed in his description between a geologist or an astronomical predictor.

Finally, it turned out that the Dutchman based his predictions about earthquakes on the Iraqi geologist, Saleh Muhammad Al-Awad, who studies at the University of Baghdad and holds a professorship in earth sciences and geochemistry.

Last Saturday, Al-Awad warned of an earthquake during the next week, without specifying the location of its occurrence. This came during his intervention via “Skype”, with the Egyptian journalist Ahmed Moussa, on the “On My Responsibility” program, broadcast on the “Sada Al-Balad” channel, where Saleh Muhammad Awad predicted that an earthquake would occur between 20 and 27 February.

He explained that during the period from 20 to 27 February, the moon will enter between the earth and the sun as Mars approaches the earth, which results in excessive effort, stressing that one must beware of the possibility of an earthquake.

Al-Awad denies talking about predictions. He says he expects based on scientific information. His theory attributes earthquakes to external causes, not inside the Earth, and says that they are related to the gravity caused by the planets on the Earth, which leads to a brake in the speed of the Earth’s rotation around the sun, which leads to a slip in the “tectonic plates” towards the west.

He says that based on studying the rotation of the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, the Earth will be subjected to stress on February 20 and 27, and next March 8.

In his statement, Salih Muhammad Awad spoke about the Dutch scientist Frank Hogrebits, who predicted the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria three days before it occurred, saying: “I did not know anything except through social media platforms, but on the scientific level this is incorrect and has not happened before.” And no technology or anything can determine that.”

He explained that he prepared a study on the causes of earthquakes, which he published in the year 2021, and no one paid any attention to it, saying that everyone believes that the earthquake occurs with an internal force, not an external one, but, in his opinion, the external force is the result of planetary regularity, and there is something that stimulates the earth’s plate to move to generate the earthquake. As a result of the activation of faults, adding that the planets interact with each other to affect the movement of earthquakes through gravitational pressures arising from the formation of planets.

He noted that the conditions of the planets are changing, as the Earth is subject to external gravitational forces, for example, explaining that before the occurrence of the Turkey earthquake, there was a delay in the Earth’s rotation speed, which led to the movement of the plates in Turkey, which resulted in the disaster.

The article is in Arabic

Tags: Iraqi researcher movement planets expects earthquakes ..Who