Halloween riots in Linz have political consequences – Upper Austria

The serious Halloween riots in Linz have a political aftermath: The FPÖ makes the incident a topic in the municipal council.

In view of the violent riots on Monday evening in the center of Linz – “Today” has reported – FP security councilor Michael Raml goes on the offensive: “We want to live in a hometown where everyone can feel safe and comfortable. There should be no indulgence or appeasement in the face of such violence.”

You can’t “go back to business as usual” now, emphasizes Raml. For him, this incident shows once again that “uncontrolled immigration causes many serious problems”. That is why there will be a “Current Hour” on Thursday in the municipal council on the subject of accommodation for asylum seekers.

“Zero Tolerance to Violent People”

“Linz is a safe city where violence and riots have no place,” said Mayor Klaus Luger (SPÖ), “stunned”: “In Linz there is zero tolerance for violent people, no matter what their motives are.”

The Halloween celebration had escalated in the city of the state capital. Around 200 violent, mostly young men attacked passers-by and threw firecrackers. The police were also attacked.

According to the police, two of the approximately 170 officers deployed were slightly injured. All bus and tram operations had to be stopped. The risk of fire was too great because prohibited firecrackers were ignited.

At around 12:30 a.m., the police finally rounded up the rioters to end the attacks on the officers.

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Around 130 people, including nine arrested, were reported on suspicion of serious communal violence and disorder. They not only threw firecrackers at the police, but also stones and glass bottles.

The action ended shortly after 3:00 a.m. The investigation is proceeding swiftly. A police spokesman explained opposite “Today”that a “very large proportion” of men has a migration background.

Advertisements and firecrackers in Wels

In Wels, too, there were numerous reports of noise and firecrackers fired on Halloween night. The police had to intervene more often and encountered large groups of young people.

At around 12.45 a.m., a fight involving at least ten people was reported in the area of ​​the old town and the town square. There were two arrests. A violent confrontation also broke out in Traungasse, during which one person was arrested.

Nav Account JR time 11/01/2022, 12:04 p.m| Act: 11/01/2022, 12:04 p.m

The article is in German

Tags: Halloween riots Linz political consequences Upper Austria