A Turkish beautician depicts the last moments of her death by burning – a touching video

Al-Watan – I photographed a 22-year-old Turkish beautician. She filmed the last moments of her life before she and her colleague burned to death on a small private plane.

A terrifying video clip was spread on social media, showing the moment a plane hit a high-voltage power line.

In this clip, the harrowing last words of a 22-year-old girl who was filming herself in the cockpit of the plane can be heard.

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It appears that the plane hit a high-voltage cable and crashed to the ground, after it turned into a fireball in Turkey. Moments before the plane crash, beautician Porko Sağlam “Bayi” was sharing the last moments of her life online.

The moment the plane hits and instantly burns

Porcu and pilot Hakan Koksal, 54, took off from Pamukova, Sakarya Province, where footage shows the plane walking down the runway moments before take-off.
But after a while, when the plane was flying at an altitude of about 4,000 feet, it suddenly lost contact. Soon, the charred wreckage of the plane was found on an empty lot in Osmangazi, Bursa province.

Workers at a nearby natural gas plant told authorities of an object that had fallen from the sky. Search and rescue teams were sent to the scene, where they found the bodies of Burcu and Hakan, who was the president of a flying club.

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One of them is believed to have died when the plane caught fire after its wing hit the high-voltage electric power line at the Ovacá natural gas cycle power plant.

Bursa Mayor Alinur Aktas said he believed the other one fell from the plane to his death. The authorities are investigating the cause of the plane’s low-altitude flight, which caused it to collide with a 380,000-volt line.

A Turkish beautician depicts the last moments of her death by burning

Local media reported that that morning a Turkish beautician had told her parents she was leaving home to look for a job. They were unaware that she had boarded the plane until the authorities informed them of her death in a phone call. Burko, who previously ran a hairdressing salon, leaves behind two sisters and a brother.

The article is in Arabic

Tags: Turkish beautician depicts moments death burning touching video