A mysterious message was left on Instagram. A beautician and a pilot were killed in a plane crash

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homeland- Chilling pictures of a plane crash in Turkey spread on social media It killed two people on board, including a pilot and a 22-year-old Turkish beautician.which was documenting her last moments in the cockpit of the plane minutes before it crashed.

According to the British newspaper, the Daily Star, a beautician called Porco Saglam had shared a video clip on her Instagram page, before her last moments, with the comment: “Bye” (bye).

Porco Saglam

The pictures, taken by a Turkish citizen, show the plane flying in the sky before it collided with an overhead power line with its wing, causing it to turn into a fiery mass before it fell to the ground.

How did the accident happen?

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The plane took off from Pamukova, Sakarya Province, Turkey At 3.13pm last Thursday, December 1st, Footage shows the plane walking down the runway moments before takeoff.

But at 3.32pm, when the plane was flying at an altitude of 1,200 meters (3,937 ft), the connection was suddenly cut off.

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The charred wreckage of the plane was soon found on an empty lot in Osmangazi, Bursa province, after workers at a nearby natural gas plant reported an object that had fallen from the sky to authorities.

Search and rescue teams were dispatched to the scene, where they found the bodies of Porco and the pilot.

It is believed that the first victim died when the plane caught fire after its wing hit the high-voltage power line at the Ovacá natural gas cycle power plant.

While the second victim died after being ejected from the plane due to high electrical voltage, according to Bursa Mayor Elinur Aktas.

Since the accident, the duo has been buried in different cemeteries in Bursa. The autopsy reports have not yet been published.

The reason why the plane was flying at a low altitude, causing it to hit a 380,000-volt line, is still under investigation by the authorities.

For her part, local media said that Porko told her parents that morning that she was leaving home to look for a job. They were unaware that she had boarded the plane until the authorities informed them of her death in a phone call.

Porko ran a hair salon with her partner and left behind two sisters and a brother.

The article is in Arabic

Tags: mysterious message left Instagram beautician pilot killed plane crash