Only 19 degrees in the office: These rules apply in Germany – world

Only 19 degrees in the office: These rules apply in Germany – world
Only 19 degrees in the office: These rules apply in Germany – world

New energy-saving rules will apply in Germany from Thursday. Offices can only be heated to 19 degrees.

In Germany, government regulations for saving energy came into force on September 1st. These are intended to ensure that dependence on Russian gas supplies is ended.

“Every kilowatt hour saved helps a little bit out of dependence on Russian gas supplies,” says Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens). Together with other requirements that will come into force on October 1st, gas consumption is to be reduced by around two to two and a half percent.

Only 12 degrees with physically heavy work

In public buildings, temperatures can only reach 19 degrees. Where physically light activities are not done while sitting, but “predominantly standing or walking”, the temperature should be a maximum of 18 degrees. For medium-heavy work, employees have to be content with 16 degrees, for physically demanding work even with 12 degrees.

Clinics, care facilities or other social institutions are excluded. Transit areas such as corridors and foyers are no longer heated unless this is necessary for safety reasons.

Boilers and instantaneous water heaters may no longer be used to heat water at the sink. The lighting of buildings and monuments for purely aesthetic or representative reasons will be switched off. Excluded are short-term lighting at cultural events and folk festivals.

Private pools stay cold

From now on it is forbidden to keep the doors open in heated shops. In addition, savings should be made on lighting. If it only serves aesthetic or representative purposes, it should be avoided. Advertisements and billboards should be illuminated for a maximum of six hours from the afternoon (4 p.m.) to the evening (10 p.m.). And there are also requirements for households: private pools may no longer be heated with electricity or gas.

EU member states have committed to saving 15 percent of their energy this winter. How is up to each country. In Austria one more plan is missing.

The Ministry of Climate is planning an energy saving campaign from September. It presents practical tips for the population, such as reducing the room temperature by one or two degrees, turning off the water when it is not needed, or using the oven less often, “Heute” reported.

Nav Account red time 09/02/2022, 05:36| Act: 09/02/2022, 05:36

The article is in German

Tags: degrees office rules apply Germany world