The Witcher – Blood Origin: Was the elf empress Merwyn also in the books?

December 28, 2022 at 7:15 p.m

In The Witcher: Blood Origin, Merwyn is an elven princess who rises to become the empress of the golden elven realm. But does her story come from the Witcher books or is it an invention of the series?

The Witcher – Blood Origin: Merwyn (Credit: Netflix/Susie Allnutt)

  • The elven city of Xin’trea is ruled by Merwyn.
  • Born as an elven princess, she rises to become the empress of a powerful elven kingdom.
  • But what do the books tell us about her? Was the Empress Merwyn even there?

In “The Witcher” Preuqel “Blood Origin” the elf Merwyn plays a key role. Their machinations cause 7 strangers to join forces to save the world. But who is the highborn and does she appear in the Witcher books?

Sly empress and conqueror

Together with the elven magic Balor, she forms an alliance against her own father and court. Balor’s beast slays all rivals, but Merwyn becomes the puppet of Balor and Eredin.

Gradually, however, she manages to increase her influence and become the sole empress of an elven kingdom united by force. Fjall and his companions take action against them, because Merwyn wants to use the monoliths to penetrate and conquer other worlds.

The Witcher - Blood Origin: At first just a pawn in Balor's game, Merwyn quickly takes dominion over the entire elven realm through skillful manipulation and her wits.

The Witcher – Blood Origin: At first just a pawn in Balor’s game, Merwyn quickly takes dominion over the entire elven realm through skillful manipulation and her wits. (Credit: Netflix/Susie Allnutt)

Eventually, Haste kills her, bringing her brief reign and diabolical ambitions to an abrupt end. However, their general, Eredin Bréacc Glass, survives and will lead the last elves in alien worlds to found a new, even darker realm.

Is Merwyn in the book canon?

The background story in Andrzej Sapkowski’s book series gives clues to the heyday of the elves, but only a few names of kings and important figures have survived.

Only the name of the Aen-Elle Elven King Auberon Muircetach is known, under whom Eredin and his Wild Hunt serve.

Still, it’s not impossible that an Empress or Princess Merwyn could have existed in the canon of The Witcher story as well. However, this is not supported by the books. Even since we actually know from them how the connection of the spheres and the fall of the first elf kingdom came about, it is much more likely that Merwyn and her reign is a free interpretation of the Witcher backstory and invention by the Netflix showrunners.

As The Witcher series progresses and in later seasons, it’s very likely that we’ll see more original Netflix characters. Perhaps Merwyn and her lost empire will also be examined more closely.

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genre Action & Adventure, Sci Fi & Fantasy
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First broadcast in Germany


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Tags: Witcher Blood Origin elf empress Merwyn books